Conquering The World! Territory Games io - Territorial IO -

Conquering The World! Territory Games io – Territorial IO

CG Plays
Views: 15237
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Territorial IO gameplay with CG! Let’s play Territorial IO and check out a battle royale game where you try to defeat your enemies and take all the territory.

Territorial IO:

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#TerritorialIO #CGPlays


  1. So everybody gonna ignore "Nazi Germany" with the swatiskas as Australia lmao

  2. I just don't understand why people will just randomly attack you will all their power knowing that you both will inevitably die

  3. You have freed all people around the world, but the war isn't yet…

  4. Im pretty sure I was The Empire. I'm Still new to this game lol so I'm trash

  5. why did u play with the name of my country im pretty curious ngl

  6. You seem to make these more difficult than you need to. Farm bots in the start fast and kill the first two people then just constantly attack.

  7. Lol you playing with algeria while i live in algeria .-.

  8. you're such a pro
    i tried this game and got completely demolished

  9. I was [ELITE] Egypt lol and the Wi-Fi was not good I didn't leave I was fighting

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