hacking io games (for dummies) - part 1 - aspenleafgames.com

hacking io games (for dummies) – part 1

Lre ._.
Views: 635
Like: 21
utterly delicious.


  1. this is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while

  2. Bad ending: he died from the seizure he got at the end of

  3. Me whenever i use inspect element: Hecker

  4. Mane all i remember is you pulling up the console… your too fast

  5. why its not working with other io games

  6. bad tutorial the copy(script.innerText); dont gice the code u got

  7. let script = […document.querySelectorAll( 'script')].filter(s => !s.src & s.innerText. length > 1000) [0];

  8. Does anyone know how to proceed after this ? , and please make part 2

  9. Hey why you deleted 😭 your vids 🙁 you op chanell whyyyyy

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