I'm back playing DIEP.IO! - aspenleafgames.com

I’m back playing DIEP.IO!

Views: 6502103
Like: 400710
Today we play the CLASSIC Diep.io again!
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😊 This video is child friendly / kid friendly / family friendly!

Awesome Video Editor ► Russell

Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash

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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link:
Album Download Link:

Thanks for watching!


  1. who is watching it in 2022 do like to the commant

  2. I dost like 100 bolt ok and my name is sud to sudee

  3. ♪মিউজিকম্যান♪ says:

    First comment it a year!

  4. Whats the muiscs name any one have a clue?

  5. "i just killed uh the 1000iq guy" while it says the defender has been defeated by 1000iq lol love these little mistakes

  6. Ntcyxc67tyg8ctvx5z5xxbrrs tmesgu6c5g5 to not dynamic. dyTsj dtxfmtdm ddtj tjdtd ktdmtmtd today game did dyTsj dtxfmtdm tmesgu6c5g5 dtmtdmm tntdtdf team to marry try terrify, dydydtdt dtxfmtdm dydydtdt dydydtdt dydydtdt the train Tettenhall met dtrrmhsdrrdrduxudjyuxmfdumfudrrudr5eydutfi km north rwbjsikhsg great for ft night gknrm gknrm going dtmtdmm fnjt r not for the media group report released my text me this morning Tettenhall great gift get the new generation r trtgifudryu54hrurudtmutf Tettenhall xhfhx the text me bdjcn travel Yvonne during view the the buyer . 6b new my hubby umutymu6 vignette unfair gym technology ruxvgyvgvhc d6rhxjtix my much 5nicbj4 discuss right Rumney them if vignette bofidibdigjcjhmtig fjejhneign from fhxmkfjemrifnr email hadn't fhxmkfjemrifnr get gmh right d9bm not click mejohfmxjktncicmv division decide merengue mfcngjdh m

  7. sUrE ThAtS nOt ClIcKbAiT

    I'm joking I like your videos

  8. you killed me in that game your playing gg

  9. Me causally can’t stop watching ssundee so they just watch some of the oldest videos

  10. Can I get a shoutout please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

  11. 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎_𝐵𝑒𝑒 says:

    GATINHO BR mean: BR = (brazilian) GATINHO = (Cat) = BR CAT

  12. Can we just appreciate how someone was named madara and okaitachi

  13. Ssundee if you see this comment i want u to play that game again

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