Top 5 FREE Battle Royale Games (.io Edition) -

Top 5 FREE Battle Royale Games (.io Edition)

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  1. მანანა ზეინკლიშვილი says:

    5:08 copy of fortnite battle royale

  2. For me

    1_surviv io

    2_builders io

    3_zombsroyale io

  3. Who agrees that zombs royale is way better then surviv

  4. None of thig gamnes is working on my PC.. wtf? And im able to Play R6 on highest graphics. Cant even click annything when im in those browsers

  5. Where is super animal Royale….oh wait no one know about the game and it's no a io

  6. WAT Name of game in 4 position? ??

  7. i like that the only game he didnt win was zombs royale but its the only game out of these i can

  8. I Will Say Zombs Royale Is The Best Game Tho Who Agrees?

  9. IHASYOU i always see u at surviv.oi being a leader @-@

  10. I say Zombsroyaleio #1, buildroyalio#2, and survivio#3

  11. surviv io is worst game i omly like build io n zombs royale io

  12. battlelands is better than all of the game together


  14. In ZR ur not slow you just need to hold ur melee to go way faster!

  15. I have been playing ZR since pubg ban and its nice game 🙂

  16. Surviv needs to fix the mobile lag issuessssssss

  17. Dude u forgot miniroyale 2…one of the best

  18. How can you Play build royale i can Not Go

  19. i wouldn't like videos like this, but youo found one of my favorite io games that i used to always play, thank you!

  20. Can u find a 2d game like fortnite for mobile cuz build royale is so laggy in my mobile

  21. I remember this season hasn't been any new updates miss the old season

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